My photo
There once was a boy who fell in love with a girl. They were married in a beautiful castle. They have been blessed with two beautiful princesses, and this is their fairytale...


We'd like to introduce...

Chanel Brough
Born March 3, 2010 5:30 pm 8lbs. 21 inches

Lifting her head to look around at just 2 hours old.
Sisters meeting for the first time.

She already loves bathtime!

So I didn't have to wait til Friday. I went in for a checkup on the 3rd when my Dr. realized my heart rate was through the roof. She was worried my body was just so worn out from being pregnant (trust me, she had good cause, I was a PLANET! Not posting pics of that!) so she said time was up and induced me right away. Everything went great since I recieved the epidural right away:o) Chanel was born 7 hours later!


  1. Kara she is Beautiful! CONGRATS! Im so glad that you got her here safely and healthy! Much Love!

  2. Congrats she is so beautiful and I love the name. I am glad everthing went well. Congrats again!!!!
