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There once was a boy who fell in love with a girl. They were married in a beautiful castle. They have been blessed with two beautiful princesses, and this is their fairytale...


Florida 2011 {The Lake}

Austins grandma and uncle each have a house at Star Lake- the same place Aus and I honeymooned nearly 7 years ago--yikes! We left Disney super late and drove to the lake and stayed with his uncle Brett and aunt Sandy while we were there. This was the first time I'd ever met them and I'm so glad I had the chance to get to know them. They are such great people and alway so generous. Austin was glad to have a chance to spend time with them as well. He hasn't seen them in over a decade.

While we were getting ready to grill for lunch, Elena and Sandy found a tree frog. He was so cute. Chanel had to get in close to get a good look at him. She even wanted to hold him, but we kept him in the net until everyone had a chance to see him, then Elena let him go. Not without naming him "Froggy" first.

We rode around the lake and uncle Brett even let Elena drive the boat. She looks so big in this picture.

Everyone having a good time on the lake:) We had to watch Chanel really close on the boat. She would lean over so far and even tried climbing the gate to get into the water. Silly girl:)

Elena and the boys wanted to play in the water, even though the water level was pretty low and it wasn't ideal swimming conditions, they didn't let that keep them from getting in...

Elena and Emmett playing so cute together. They were such good friends the whole trip!

Bug showing off what she has been learning in swim lessons.

These next pictures are really dark and I'm kinda bummed but it shows how pretty the lake is and how silly the kids (and adults) can be:)

I'm glad we had a chance to spend a few days at the lake and show the girls. We took Elena back when she was around Chanels age and she didn't really remember it so it was fun to spend the time there.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun!!! You look great, and you have such a cute family!!!
