My photo
There once was a boy who fell in love with a girl. They were married in a beautiful castle. They have been blessed with two beautiful princesses, and this is their fairytale...


Road Trip Across the Country!

I recently had the opportunity to help my SIL Jillian move back to Florida, and since I didn't want her to have to drive across the country by herself, I offered to go with. It was SO MUCH FUN!!! 3 whole days of nothing but girl talk and being kid-free (on my part anyway) was way better than I could've imagined. I don't have any pictures of the actual road trip because I kept forgetting:/ But I have pictures of the cool sight-seeing we did once we got there! One place I'll never forget is a resturant we stopped at in Louisiana called PreJeans's. They are known for their crawfish and since I'd never had crawfish before, I definately had to try some...It was AMAZING! I'm craving it right now:) Once we got to FL we unpacked a bit then went to St. Augustine, toured downtown, went to the beach, and got some much needed sun! This is the old army fort in the oldest city in the nation, with cute little Emmett, of course!

I love this picture with the boats and the awesome lighthouse in the backround.
This is the White Lion Bridge they just re-built and I'm glad I got to see it!

Me and Jillian in front of the white lions.

Thanks for all the fun and the much needed getaway...Love you!!!



This is just another ramling post of feelings I need to express, so if you don't like to read the mushy...don't continue. Sometimes it takes not only our own trials but the observation of others during theirs to help us realize what's truly important in our lives. As we experienced one of the final blizzards of the season last week it brought with it a terrible tradgedy in our community. A young couple in our ward were hit in a head-on collision just outside our neighborhood, killing the husband. He was only 28. They had just started coming to church so not many of us personally knew them. But the ward was still completely affected. As I participated in his funeral service today, it made me realize how grateful I am for the gospel and the knowledge that families can be together forever. I can't imagine the heartbreak and sorrow his family is suffering through right now. Our Bishop, in his closing remarks, commented on a few of the things this young man did in his final week of his life that were actually preparing for this tradgedy. He obviously didn't realize why he was doing these things, just that he knew he should...which in turn helped ease the burden of his family. I believe Heavenly Father puts us all in certain places for reasons we don't understand but I know there are people we are meant to meet, help, and learn from. I'm so greatful for all of my close friends and neighbors who I feel I can count on in any time of need. I cannot express my gratitude for my wonderful husband and all that he does for me. My beautiful daughters are my whole world and I cannot imagine my life without them. I know that when the time comes for me or any member of my family to move on that it will only be a temporary seperation. However difficult the situation might be, I find comfort in the knowledge of being sealed to them for eternity. I'm so grateful for the life I have been given, the people who I have been blessed to share it with, and for the gospel and all the comfort and happiness it gives. May we all try to live our life to the fullest, giving service to others, and doing the things the Lord would want us to use our talents and abilities and the precious life He's given us for.


~More Kite Flying~

After the party, while Chanel took a nap, we all went outside to fly kites. It was really cold but everyone had fun getting the kites in the air. Even Natalie participated:)
They guys had a hard time getting the Avatar kite up and stay up...

The kids had a blast just being able to play outside for a bit and run around with their kites:o)

Chanel's First Birthday: The Party

The Cupcake
The Presents

The GuestsChanel had so much fun at her party...and was so worn out from all of the excitement she had the best nap:) Thanks to all who came or sent gifts...your thoughts and love were greatly appreciated!


Chanel's First Birthday: {I am 1} Photos

Honestly where has the time gone?!? She is growing into such a fun-loving, beautiful little girl
and her personality is coming our more and more every day. She loves to play hide-n-seek, dancing, and doing anything with Elena. She tries to talk, can wave bye-bye, and is starting to walk all over the place.

She just had her 1 year old pictures taken by our AWESOME neighbor, Kandis.
I think they turned out soooo cute!