My photo
There once was a boy who fell in love with a girl. They were married in a beautiful castle. They have been blessed with two beautiful princesses, and this is their fairytale...


Preschool Graduation

Okay so lots of graduating going on in this family this spring:o) And no Elena isn't old enough to be graduating preschool just yet. But my preschool class that I teach at Young Explorers just graduated tonight! It was so fun to have them perform the songs they prepared in front of their parents and to see how excited the children were to show their parents what they have done. The parents were great sports for our ending activity when everyone had to sing 'A-tootie-ta'. Then we had delicious ice cream cupcakes from coldstone...Yum! I am so proud of all my students!!!

1 comment:

  1. what a fun job.. I bet you love it! cute pictures! and Elena looks so cute with her new hair cut, the place you have it cut is awesome.. where is that at?
